Welcome to my new endeavor! Each week for the rest of 2016 I'll be posting one resource for therapists and people on their own paths of change. This might include apps, websites, books, art activities, and even images and poems that I or my clients find inspiring. I'll try to write a few brief thoughts with each post. My first resource is an inspiring collection of photos-- mostly landscapes and travel: http://travelcoffeebook.com/ *
Take a mental mini-vacation by flipping through the site. Download your favorites, or screen-cap them to your phone to look at when you're stressed. Try taking a couple of deep breaths with your favorite scenery before that tough phone call or meeting. I posted one I like above. Post a link to your own favorite image, or comment and let us know how you use these. Enjoy!
*Thanks go to graphic designer Tessa Magnusun for this link!
*** Edit on 3/29/16 As I work on my second post, it occurs to me to add a more personal note here about this project. Blogging is something I was once convincedI'd never do. I generally find writing intimidating. I edit every word over and over while I'm trying to complete each sentence. I angst over possible misinterpretations. But I realized that there are a bunch of cool little tools and fun pieces of art that I'd like to share, and so I'm taking on the challenge of facing the critical voices in my head. At the moment, with some coffee and an almost bright day outside, I'm excited about the chance to declare something complete each week, regardless of how done I think it is. I'm hoping this will be a chance to not only share resources, but also change the conversations I have with myself, and perhaps inspire others to do the same.