It's a timer! And it's my favorite! Simple and easy to use. These are big priorities for me. This one has beautiful recordings of singing bowls to start and end your meditations. It's much gentler than your phone alarm or kitchen timer.
Timers are oft-unmentioned yet important tools for meditation, especially for beginners. The app has grown to be more than just a timer though. It has a collection of guided meditations and mindfulness instruction. There is a meditation log for tracking sittings and a journal option to jot notes. There is a message board for questions and a robust international community interacting there. The newest version also offers soothing ambient background sounds such as rain falling.
I frequently recommended this beginners and established meditators, and have heard great feedback from people enjoying it and then passing it along to friends. If you're new, try starting with a simple 5 min per day. If you're struggling to stay motivated, try switching between different guided meditations and your own quiet sitting.
Check it out at